Detachment of New Jersey


Russell Myers

Updated August 5, 2024

TO: The Detachment of New Jersey DEC

DATE: 26 July 2024 RE: Adjutant’s Report, Aug 2024

The following is my adjutant’s report to be presented at the August DEC Meeting:

Detachment Emails: We have begun to disseminate information via the MailChimp service, an email marketing tool which allows us to engage SAL members who have requested to receive emails with any information that has to go out. If you do not receive these, please check with the adjutant and make sure that you are on the email list. Should you already be on that list and not receive emails, please check your junk email bin – sometimes email providers like Gmail or Yahoo recognize these emails as spam. As of the last email sent out only 52% of the email list we have opens the emails – so many of these email addresses we have may no longer be used, or may be being sent to spam folders. I have a list of addresses here to review if need be.

Facebook: The Department of NJ CIO Steve Fisher (PDC) has created a Facebook page for the Detachment, and given the adjutant access as an editor to post and manage the account. Please visit it at, and send the adjutant any information or events you would like posted. Be sure to tag your events so that they show up and can be shared, to show all of the good things New Jersey’s Sons do. We also have accounts set up on X and Instagram, although we have not as yet begun to use them.

Schedule of Organizations: We have published a directory of elected officers, commission and committee chairman, County DEC’s, and PDC’s for 2024-25. It was electronically distributed in an email on 26 July, and a limited amount are available here at this meeting. If there is anything incorrect, or that needs to be added or changed, please let me know.

Officers Reports: In putting together that directory, Department HQ in Trenton only had officer’s reports from three counties. There are nine DEC’s that we know of, out of 21 counties – meaning that some counties did not file an officers report as yet. Please stay on top of your counties and squadrons in filing those officers reports, by emailing them to the adjutant (, the commander (, the SAL chairman (, and Tricia Grunewald (Department Membership Specialist) at You can also mail a hard copy to Trenton and to the adjutant if need be.

DVC Vacancies: We have not received any correspondence regarding candidates.

Feedback: I would like to hear back from members of the Detachment on how well or poorly we are communicating, and if improvements or changes need to be made. Please always feel free to speak to me as needed.

Faithfully submitted “As a Proud Possessor of a Priceless Heritage”,

Russell “Rusty” Myers III (NJ-105)

Detachment Adjutant (2024-25) Sons of the American Legion, Detachment of New Jersey