Detachment of New Jersey

Vice Commander

Gregory Shaffer

Updated July 25, 2018

My name is Mark Natale. I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for the support you have shown in electing me as your Detachment Vice Commander. It is truly an honor to be elected in this position and serving with our new Commander, Jeff Hicks and the fellow Detachment officers.   

I will be serving Monmouth, Essex, Union and Middlesex counties. I’ll be visiting all the Squadrons within my counties. I’m looking forward to meeting new friends and to be available for any assistance you may need. Below you will find my contact information, please provide me with events that your squadron will be having as I would like to attend.  Also, if your Squadron has a social media page, please provide me with the name of the page as I can share events.

Working together we can make this a very successful year and I welcome all opportunities.


For God and Country,

Mark Natale

Vice Commander

908-433-8509 (cell)

Mark Natale (Facebook)