Detachment of New Jersey


Richard Hodum

Updated October 14, 2021

Commanders Report October 2021


Since our Lat meeting I have attended many events. Breakfasts, BBQ, Pig roasts and other special events around the State. At these events I have stressed the American Legion Family along with the need to support each other. Membership and buddy checks have also been discussed.

I have also been attending many functions along with American Legion Commander Dunn.

Some of the highlights:


Help to setup and man an information booth at the Atlantic City Air Show

PTSD awareness event at Post 232

National American Legion Convention Phoenix

States Dinner National for National Auxiliary President

Attended 3 stand downs

9/11 Memorial Post 371

POW/MIA Watch Fire

Collected and delivered food and clothing to Post 129 for American Legion Chaplains Project

Delivered TV, Cookies, and other goods to Menlo park Paramus and Vineland Homes

Attended Fall NEC in Indianapolis Attended the Convention committee meeting and took the Commanders Class


I have also been invited by Commander Dunn to attend all of his Official visits to the Counties. We together are promoting the SAL and membership along with our joint project and the need for Reports to be turned in in a timely matter.


For God and Country

Henry F Hasselhan


Detachment of New Jersey