Detachment of New Jersey


Carl Albern Jr.

Updated November 16, 2021

Hello. I hope you're all doing well and keeping safe during this pandemic.

The Detachment Finance Committee will be holding its first meeting this week to go over the year-end report received from Finance Officer Dave Page. We will begin discussing where the Detachment has been over-budgeting and perhaps not meeting the needs of a line item. We will be scheduling additional meetings through April in order to begin organizing the 2022-23 budget.

This year's budget was smaller due to a smaller amount of money coming in from dues. The membership in the Detachment has fallen off due to the pandemic over the last two years. We hope that it will recover back to the pre-pandemic levels, but we can't count on it. Please know that recruitment is important at this time, and once we start getting "back to normal", we can start increasing line items to make use of the income from the additional members.

Carl Albern, Jr.

Detachment Finance Committee Chairman