Greetings, New Jersey SAL Comrades:
Here you will find the latest information as it to pertains to SAL membership, both from a Detachment (state) and National perspective.
Remember when a Squadron submits its 2023 per capita, whether online via or the traditional delivery method of postal mail to Department Headquarters in Trenton, be sure to include a $10.00 payment per member. Checks payable to SAL, Detachment of New Jersey. The $10.00 breaks down as $5.00 for National per capita and $5.00 for Detachment (state) per capita. If your Squadron is required to pay a county per capita, please do NOT send that amount to National NOR to Detachment. Pay the county per capita DIRECTLY to the respective county membership chairman. If you do not know WHO your county SAL membership chairman is, please contact me for assistance.
If you prefer to process your SAL membership cards through Department Headquarters in Trenton, please mail your cards and payment to:
The American Legion, Department of New Jersey
Attn: Ms. Tricia Grunewald, Membership Specialist
171 Jersey Street, Building No. 5
Trenton, New Jersey 08611
Membership is EVERY SAL COMRADE'S responsibility! It takes a COLLECTIVE TEAM EFFORT for us to achieve our membership goals! Detachment Commander Mark Natale has CHALLENGED me as the 2022-23 Detachment Membership Chairman to reach and exceed 10,000 SAL members in New Jersey! This ambitious goal is doable IF we all work TOGETHER to RENEW, RETAIN, and RECRUIT members! It is my job as Chairman to steer the Detachment Membership Team forward, and I pledge to do that this year with your help!
Chairman: Jeff Hicks
Vice Chairman: Rocky Lucia
Committee Members
Detachment Commander: Mark Natale
Detachment Adjutant: Carl Albern, Jr.
Detachment Internal Affairs Commission Chairman: Tom Marsden
Detachment Vice Commanders: Steve Sangemino, Richard Hodum, Bill Murphy, and Keith Barnes
The link below contains the Nationally published MEMBERSHIP TARGET DATES for the 2022-2023 SAL administrative year. This is our SAL membership roadmap for the next 12 months. All squadrons within New Jersey should reach the respective target dates two (2) weeks PRIOR to the target date itself. In other words, ALL New Jersey Squadrons should be at or exceed 10% membership by September 1, 2022, meet or exceed 25% membership by October 1, 2022, etc. By being proactive, when the official target date rolls around, we as a Detachment can be assured that we met that mile marker and can focus our attention on the next one ahead.
NATIONAL SAL MEMBERSHIP TARGET DATES: 2022-2023 SAL National Membership Target Dates (
The most recent SAL National Membership Report published as of Monday, January 30, 2023, which shows how New Jersey stacks-up compared to other Detachments around the world, can be found at this link: 2023 SAL Membership Report as of_January_30_2023_0.pdf (
As Department releases its monthly SAL membership reports, I will update the Detachment website to reflect the most current membership numbers. That way we can monitor our progress together across the state. This effort will inform us where we need to allocate more resources in regions where we are falling short and give accolades to those areas where we have surpassed our membership goals!
NJ SAL End of Month (EOM) Membership Report for January 2023, as per Department Headquarters in Trenton:
Can be found within the FORMS tab of this website.
NJ SAL, CHAIRMAN HICKS' MEMBERSHIP TALLY (includes BOTH Department AND 2023 figures)
Under construction. Hope to publish soon. Continue to monitor for updates. Thanks for your patience!
Should you need assistance with SAL membership at any time throughout the 2022-23 year, please contact me. My contacts are below.
In closing, I look forward to working together with YOU and all our SAL comrades for the betterment of our Detachment! Right-hand salute... two!
For God & Country,
Jeffrey E. Hicks, PDC, NAA (Sq. 526)
Membership Chairman, 2022-2023
Sons of The American Legion
Detachment of New Jersey
p) (609) 206-6583 [text too]